Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Obyek wisata yang ada di sulawesi

1. Indonesia West Sulawesi Bontobahari
    Paradise at Bira beach 

2. Indonesia West Sulawesi Pallangga
    The beauty Somba Opu

3. Indonesia Sulawesi Tengah Banawa
    Tanjung Karang Beach

4. Indonesia Gorontalo Kwandang
    The beauty white sand of saronde island

5. Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Utara
    The beauty of Pulisan beach about 25 miles northeast from Manado

6. Indonesia North Sulawesi Gangga Island
    The beauty of paradise Island at Gangga
    located about 25 miles northeast from Manado

7. Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Minahasa Utara
     Different blues at Gangga Island

8.  Indonesia Sulawesi Utara Likupang
     Blue Bay

9. Indonesia North Sulawesi
    The beauty nature of Talise island
     located about 30 miles north from Manado

10. Indonesia North Sulawesi Ruang Island
      The beauty of Mt Ruang ( Ruang Volcano)

      located about 65 miles North from Manado

11. Indonesia North Sulawesi West Siau Island
      The beauty Mount at west Siau Island and in the background Mt Karangetang.

      Located about 95 miles north from Manado


special thanks for : Janette Jh

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